(c)Janu seta

LocationThe place of EURENSSA meeting is in a recreation centre "Avotini". It is 120 km from Riga, north-east direction.

You can open the web page of Avotini (http://avotini.times.lv). Unfortunately, they have information only in Latvian, but you can take a look at pictures to see wonderful surroundings!

As EURENSSA is an open-air meeting, please, make sure you have a tent and a good sleeping bag with you! Usually it is around +25°C in July, so the weather is just perfect for sleeping outdoors! But you have to take some protection in case it is raining.

There will be a possibility to take shower on the campus. Moreover, the campus site is near a lake, so take something for swimming as well!

In case of emergancy try to contact Dace +371 26415894 or Zanda +371 29277199

Click here to get Camping site region map (High-resolution, 8Mb, Medium resolution, 1mb) Click here to get Latvia map with marked camping site (small resolution, 360kb)

Click here to get Camping site surrounding map (HIgh-resolution, 2Mb, Small resolution, 100kb) Click here to public transport schedule to camping site